Here is an example, Wolfgang, age 70, is tired or managing his rental property (his rents are low and her headaches are high). He would want to sell his property, but does not relish paying a big capital gains tax bill. He paid $500,000 for the property and it is now worth $2M. He holds no mortgage.
By putting the entire property into a 7% charitable remainder unitrust (CRUT) BEFORE he sells the property, Wolfgang
· Receives a large income tax deduction ($783,000 – based on his age and current interest rates);
· Pays NO capital gains tax when he sells the property;
· Receives $140,000 in income annually (7% of the property value), which is far greater income than his current rents;
· May receive increasing income in future years because his 7% payment is based on the annual valuation of the CRUT principal; and
· A nonprofit, like the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra will receive a transformative gift of the principal after Wolfgang’s lifetime.
Contact Hal Abrams at to receive a personalized illustration and learn about more ways to save taxes while making an impact in the community.